History & Introduction:-

The Punjab State Coop. Labour & Construction Federation ltd., Chandigarh was registered on 17.7.1956 with registration No.854 under the Punjab Cooperative Societies Act. 19Distt. Cooperative Labour & Construction Unions are working at Distt. Level. 2354 Primary Cooperative Labour & Construction Societies are working all over the Punjab State having 124456 members.

Main Objectives Of Organization:-
      The main objective of the federation shall be to coordinate and facilitate the working of Coop. L/C Societies and Distt. Coop. L/C Unions in the State. In pursuance of this object the federation may undertake all such measure as are likely to assist and promote the organization and functioning of L/C. Societies/Unions. The federation and the Distt. Coop. L/C Unions are rendering useful service to primary Coop. L/C. Societies in the matter of execution of works and to impart technical knowledge for getting it done at the proper time and to solve their problems by pleading their cases in the quarterly meetings of Distt. level committee/State level Board or otherwise.

The provision for finance from central Coop: Banks under the schemes approved by the Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Punjab. Now limits of financial assistance have been enhanced which is evident from the facts mentioned below: -

  •  Limit of clean loan has been fixed Rs. 2.00 lacs.          
  •  Loan against pending bills has been fixed 5 .00 lacs           
  •  Provision for cash credit limit up to Rs.25.00 lacsagainst property pledge.

Financial Figures of last three years
(Amt in Lacs)

S. No. Particulars 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
1. No. of Societies 2151 2165 2170 2811
2. Membership 110820 110980 110995 124456
3. Owned Funds 2301.01 2378.07 2410.12  
4. Working Capital 6818.00 2896.09 6980.07  
5. Value of Work done 44375.72 44470.64 48346.52 46250.48